To Do List, Part 3 - July to September

Hostas July to September

Part 3 of a series of articles which will give you a month by month guide on caring for your hostas. This will include tips for you to use at home and an insight into the growing methods we use at the nursery. 

In this third instalment, we look at everything that you need to do with your hostas between July and September. Now entering the Summer months, your hostas may start to burn or show some spotting from sun scorch. There are some things you can do to stretch the season out and keep your hostas looking good for longer.


Probably the month that temperatures start to rise to a level that is uncomfortable for you and your hostas. In recent years high 30s have been more common. High temperature do make it a battle to keep your hostas look good, but it can be done.

  • Watering will now be a regular job, keeping your hostas well watered will help avoid crispy, dried out leaves.
  • Plants that have been burnt or aren't look their best can be cut back, fed and repotted. This will give them a second flush of fresh growth and allow you to enjoy them for a second time.


It's very easy to let your hostas go down hill in August. You've been looking after them all Spring, you may have a few holes and they may be a little burnt. You may be going on holiday but we promise if you put in a little effort in now, you will get at least another good month out of them.

  • Remove all flowers now, most will be going over and these will look unsightly. Cutting the flowers off will not only tidy up your plants, but it will allow them to put more energy into their roots and foliage. Be sure to disinfect tools between cutting.
  • Feed with High Nitrogen Feed to give an extra boost of growth. You can feed this all the way through the season, but at this point it will help continue their growth later into the Summer. 


Usually the last month to enjoy hostas before the weather starts to get cold again. 

  • This is the best month to start dividing your hostas. The soil is still warm enough for new roots to grow before they die back for the Winter. 
  • If you've had any problems with Vine Weevil, you should apply nematodes at this time of year to help control the larvae and prevent damage to roots.

Checkout part 4 of the To Do List - October to December.

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