Where Do Hostas Come From?

Where Do Hostas Come From?

Hostas are now all over the world; they are the most popular foliage plant in the United States and their popularity is growing in Europe. Before their surge in popularity in the West, where did this spectacular foliage perennial originate? Well hostas are actually native to Asia, particularly China, Japan and North and South Korea. The majority of the first hostas that were brought to Europe came from China.

The first hostas to be introduced to the European markets in 1700s were Hosta lancifolia, Hosta plantaginea and Hosta ventricosa. These are varieties that are still available today and we hold all three in our collection. 

In some parts of Asia you can see hostas growing wild on the roadside, in the woodland and by rivers and streams. The temperatures in this part of the world can get lower than -25 degrees Celsius, which shows just how hardy hostas are.


Hosta lancifolia
Hosta lancifolia

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